
Course Description

Experience Management (XM) is an approach to track, measure, analyze and improve any interaction people have with your organization. Learn how to implement an XM strategy to foster a customer- and employee-centered approach to distinguish your company or organization. Discover how to differentiate your brand by employing XM to improve the experience of customers, vendors and stakeholders, following best practices, using appropriate technology and integrating communication channels. Emerge as a leader of change!


Course Outline

This course provides an overview of core Experience Management concepts and practices, including hands-on activities to begin putting your ideas into practice.
  • Understand the imperative of Customer and Employee Experience to a brand's future and its growth and profitability.
  • Become familiar the framework and examples of the Experience Management (XM) disciplines, frameworks, and practices.
  • Create an experience strategy, align leadership, define the goals and select target outcomes.
  • Define and align the organizational structure required to become experience-led.
  • Structure experience intelligence (voice of customer, employee, process) and develop insights and actions.
  • Define internal processes and create experience insights-to-action alignment.
  • Enhance Experience Design, Improvement, and Innovation to create differentiation in the customer journey and lifecycle.
  • Learn how and why journey mapping and management is a key design tool and catalyst for change.
  • Experience measures, metrics, and business value to demonstrate opportunities and financial impact to the brand as a result of managing and optimizing experiences.
  • Define the role of technology to experience management.
  • Create the approach to a culture shift of being experience-led and define your experience roadmap and action items.
  • Final capstone: Create a strategic and tactical plan to embed experience into your current brand or project. 


  • Register early to secure your spot, using the SMU CAPE Student Portal. Please be aware that insufficient enrollment may cause course cancellation.
  • If you need registration assistance or would like to enroll after online registration has closed, please call 214-768-2273 or contact smuthink@smu.edu.

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