
Course Description

Doors close. You realize a top company official is in the elevator. You have seconds to make a great impression. What will you say? In this course, craft your elevator pitch, increase your capacity to pique curiosity and secure future opportunities through short, impactful interactions.


Course Outline

Few are born with great, natural leadership skills. Craft and hone your leadership qualities and presence, guided and encouraged by a highly-qualified instructor with decades of experience.

Develop essential elements of effective leadership through:

  • individual exercises
  • live online discussion with your classmates and instructors
  • video demonstrations to watch on your own time


This is a companion course to Executive Presence: Win the Room and Communicate to Influencel in CAPE's Maximize Your Leadership Potential series.


  • Register early to secure your spot, using the SMU CAPE Student Portal. Please be aware that insufficient enrollment may cause course cancellation.
  • If you need registration assistance or would like to enroll after online registration has closed, please call 214-768-2273 or contact smuthink@smu.edu.

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