
Course Description

Today’s marketplace runs on trust and personality, and designing and maintaining a strong brand and marketing plan for your business is integral to keeping the doors open and thriving. Show people you are an expert at what you do with a brand strategy that signifies strength and consistency.

What is your brand voice and style? What are your customers looking for from you and how do you convey that to them? This six week course will help you ideate and envision your business’ brand and then bring it to life with tactical applications such as creating your own brand style guide, designing and email marketing plan with lead generators, content marketing and an earned media plan.

This course is ideal for independent business owners and start ups such as attorneys, real estate professionals, entrepreneurs and creative artists.

Course Outline

Week 1 - Your Brand Vision

What problems do you solve?

Who do you solve problems for?

Mission, Vision, Values

Discovering Brand Voice


Week 2 - In Your Unique Style

Discovering Visual Identity

Developing a Brand Guide


Week 3 -Owning the Online Market


Search Engine Optimization


Week 4 - Email Marketing


Lead generators

Creating an email content calendar


Week 5 - Social Media

Optimizing your social media profile

Reels creation


Week 6 - Earned media

Press release template

Building your media list

Pitching to the media


  • Register early to secure your spot, using the SMU CAPE Student Portal. Please be aware that insufficient enrollment may cause course cancellation.
  • If you need registration assistance or would like to enroll after online registration has closed, please call 214-768-2273 or contact smuthink@smu.edu.

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