
Course Description

Leveraging Your Most Powerful Channel

Learn how to leverage the most powerful marketing channel in your toolbox. Email marketing generates better results than most channels and yields high returns on investment and conversion rates. Gain tools and techniques to ensure that your email marketing is well-integrated, social-savvy, personalized, and designed for multiple platforms to engage people in a variety of contexts.

Course Outline

During this course you will learn the most effective email strategies and tactics to adopt and incorporate into your campaigns to maximize your overall marketing results.

Course topics include:

  • Why customers are more inclined to visit your website and purchase from you through email more than any other digital medium
  • Components of creating a successful email program: planning, personalization, segmentation, content development, automation and beyond
  • How to activate your data to drive personalization, targeting, real-time triggers and notifications, content to improve overall effectiveness of your program
  • Learn how to build a B2B Email Strategy and program including lead generation and content development
  • Legal considerations for email marketing
  • Developing rules for your different segments
  • Types of email campaigns - trigger, marketing messages, transactional, drip campaigns and more
  • How subscribers interact with email on other platforms, how messaging changes and how to take advantage of opportunities
  • Mailing list growth and management
  • Continual improvement, optimization processes and cycles
  • Evaluating email deployment partners
  • Performance tracking, reporting and insights
  • Measure key metrics and ROI of your email program
  • Developing cross-channel communication strategies including email, social, digital channels
  • Innovations and trends


  • Register early to secure your spot, using the SMU CAPE Student Portal. Please be aware that insufficient enrollment may cause course cancellation.
  • If you need registration assistance or would like to enroll after online registration has closed, please call 214-768-2273 or contact smuthink@smu.edu.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates


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